Everything from beer to food to service – consistency in product development and marketing – a commitment to putting people first – being a caring company with a focus to create a strong corporate culture.
We hold a strong belief that good beer should be made the old fashioned way, so we spend extra time and effort to brew it the way our forefathers did at the original Lake of the Woods Brewing Co. (1898 – 1952), by naturally carbonating our beer through a process called kräusening. There are only a handful of breweries in the world that still use this method of brewing. More about our history here.
Lake of the Woods Brewing Company is proud to support community events, the arts and charitable organizations in the places that we do business. Since we first opened our doors in 2013, we have contributed over $300,000 in sponsorships and in-kind donations throughout Northwestern Ontario & Manitoba. More about our community involvement here.
Think globally, act locally – through initiatives such as our annual tree planting campaign and corporate changes including the elimination of single-use plastic straws, offering biodegradable take-out containers and deaerating water in the brewery. Future capital projects will prioritize green infrastructure such as solar power & waste water recycling. See our Planned Green Initiatives here.